The Indonesian Embassy in Beijing through the Attache of Education and Culture, together with ASCEE China Section and ASCEE Student Branch China Section, is preparing a short film competition to welcome the 75th Indonesian Independence Day. In the upcoming of that activity, the ASCEE Student Branch China Section held a short film workshop on Thursday (9/7/2020).
The workshop, which held online, was attended by 55 Indonesians in China, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia. The workshop moderated by Syarah Munif, Palembang PALTV Presenter. He took the theme of "Make Your Film More Cinematic" presenting by Johanes Simon, an Indonesian cinematographer, cultivator of Wonderful Indonesia Videographer 2018-2019, 1st Winner of Video Eco-Tourism Egypt 2018, and 1st Winner International Tour Film Bulgaria Fest 2019.
Chairman of the ASCEE Student Branch China Section, Farhan Hidazayullah said, this workshop was part of a series of short film competitions held on August 17, 2020, at the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing, China. By presenting the topic of "Building a Young Patriotic Soul in Achieving Eternal Independence of the Country."
"With this competition, we hope to motivate Indonesian students in China to get to know national attitudes and insights as well as their implementation." Farhan said.
Johanes Simon, in his lecture, showed several films, one of them was Wonderful Indonesia 2018-2019 and dissected the film in detail from preparation to complete work. Questions asked about the obstacles and challenges faced by a Videographer when producing films and how to overcome these obstacles. This seems to be seen in the question asked by Jefri Arizona, who works at TVRI West Papua. Jefri asked what is most important in making cinematic videos, and what should be avoided in making cinematic videos.
Participants who attended acknowledged that a lot of lessons gained from this webinar, "the workshop with Johanes Simon very much awaited, and I was curious and wanted to know the figure of the video maker of Wonderful Indonesia directly," said Samuel, a Videographer from Medan.
Before the workshop ended, in the closing session, John Simon conveyed the message, "Work earnestly, use your heart, do not see shortcomings as weaknesses, but make shortages as strengths explore creativity." He said. Bagus Arief Parang Topo was very impressed with this workshop webinar, "to be honest, I am motivated, and I will not limit my potential." He said.
"ASCEE as an association of practitioners and professional academics necessarily to maintain the torch of scientific progress, for that regeneration needs to carried out so that the flame does not go out," said Andri Pranolo as ASCEE Publication Director in Yogyakarta. To enhance the development of science, technology, and art for students throughout Indonesia, the Association for Scientific Computing Electronics and Engineering (ASCEE), on Wednesday night, July 8, 2020, by online organized the Ad Hoc Formation of the ASCEE Student Branch Indonesia.
This activity, which was attended by Tuti Purwaningsih, ASCEE's Public Relations Director and Co-Founder of Data Science Indonesia, and Sularso, Chair of ASCEE China Section, was able to ignite the enthusiasm of young people from various universities in Indonesia. The meeting held online was attended by 15 student representatives from six universities, Malang State University, Ahmad Dahlan University, Mulawarman University, Telkom University, Indonesian Islamic University, and Yogyakarta "Veterans" National Development University. The scientific backgrounds of students involved in selecting Ad Hoc teams vary, from informatics, statistics, to art.
The formation of the Ad Hoc body will oversee the structure of the ASCEE Student Branch. The election of the management of the organization will be held at the ASCEE Indonesia Student Congress next November 2020. In the discussion session, Sularso explained, "ASCEE Student Branch of China, which established earlier, can be a portrait of the organization's wheels. Collaboration with various Indonesian student organizations in China and cooperation with the Education Attache of the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing can be an example. Collaboration is needed to encourage the program's acceleration and train the ability of cooperation, "he explained.
Meanwhile, the elected Ad Hoc Chair, Ahmad Shohibus Sulthoni, a representative of Telkom University explained, "In the ASCEE Indonesia Student Congress there will also be an International Conference, the opening of ASCEE Student Branch Indonesia members, and work program meetings." He said. Tuti Purwaningsih conveyed that this activity was expected to be a stimulant for students to be actively involved in scientific development and hone their academic abilities. "ASCEE hopes that with the establishment of the ASCEE Student Branch Indonesia, Indonesian students will be able to improve their performance in the future," he explained.
The Covid-19 pandemic has been spread throughout the world to lead the lifestyle to change rapidly. The policy on the implementation of health protocol is carried out in a very strict manner, Public health conditions are monitored at all times, not only from the health condition that affected the community, but this health disaster also affects the economic conditions in whole around the world.
Many victims infected from the disease, the implementation of quarantine was carried out, as a result, the paralysis of social order occurred on a large scale. People are not permitted to travel, public activities are currently prohibited, and public service facilities may not operate except the health services, so the "Work from Home" regulation is applied.
This condition has motivated many communities or social institutions to raise funds to help medical workers and affected communities. ASCEE China, together with the Indonesian Student Association (PPI) Central China, worked cooperatively, to represent solidarity through fundraising. "We hope that the pandemic will end soon, and this fundraising is our small action, hopefully, the outputs will be beneficial," said Sularso, Chair of the ASCEE China Section.
Meanwhile, Farhan Hidayatullah, Chair of ASCEE Student Branch, hopes that this collaboration can lighten the burden of medical personnel who are in the forefront of handling Covid-19. "As a vanguard, medical personnel need a lot of support and attention, some of our donations will be distributed in the form of food and masks," he said.
Separately, Albert Kirana, President of the Indonesian Student Association (PPI) in Nanjing, explained that the funds from the donations were distributed in the form of 75 meal boxes for Persahabatan Jakarta Hospital, 75 boxes of RSPI Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso North Jakarta, 20 boxes of masks for BNPB Malang, 50 pcs of Hazmat Suit for Lapangan Indrapura Hospital at East java, 20 boxes of masks and 50 pcs of Hazmat Suit during the critical period in Surabaya, 10 boxes of masks and 10 surgical goggles and 50 pcs of Hazmat Suit for Lakipadada Tanatoraja Hospital, South Sulawesi. "Because distribution has not been closed yet, reports have not been fully conveyed, there is still arrangement to provide food for other medical personnel," he said.
Distribute free food to medical workers is targeted to be completed by mid-July, "community support is still needed so that this assistance can reach out the target more extensively and equal," he concluded.
To celebrate the 75th Indonesian Independence Day, the Association for Scientific Computing Electronics and Engineering (ASCEE) Indonesia presents the "JOURNAL EDITOR GRANT for Campus" program. This program is intended for campuses throughout Indonesia. "As an International Association that focuses on the development of Science, Technology, and Art, ASCEE has built a strong commitment to participate in overseeing the development of Science, Technology, and Arts in Indonesia," said Andri Pranolo, Publication Director of ASCEE.
Andri Pranolo explained, the Journal Editor Grant program for the Campus is an alternative solution to improve the quality of scientific publications on campuses that in need. "This program is our effort to support the development of human resources through research and publications," mentioned Andri Pranolo.
Grant types offered include free Annual free Crossref, three years for DOI, three years for Grammarly Premium Account, three years for Crosscheck iThenticate Similarity check for articles published in a journal, three years for ASCEE Institution Member, and Journal Assistance by the ASCEE Team through journal development programs organized by ASCEE.
Program registration starts from 10 to 30 July 2020. Begin with an official selection from 1 to 10 August 2020 and continue with Interview selection from 11 to 16 August 2020. The final result will be announced on August 17, 2020, on the celebration of the 75th Indonesian Independence Day. For further information on this program can be accessed on the page
Adhi Prahara, as the Research and Development Director of ASCEE, explained, Journal Editor Grant is ASCEE's way of establishing harmony and synergy with the government in carrying out the ideals of Indonesia Future Progress. "In this context, establishing harmony is important, and collaboration is the key," he said at the online meeting at the ASCEE Yogyakarta office.
On the other hand, Tuti Purwaningsing, as the Public Relations Director of ASCEE has mentioned, the program of strengthening the publication and journal management continues to be encouraged, cooperation with universities in various regions in Indonesia also ready to be realized. “This grant is a response due to high request for the collaboration,” She explained. “With this program, we hope that universities that are in developing in terms of publication and executed to improve the quality of their journal,” she concluded.
The Association for Scientific Computing Electronics and Engineering (ASCEE) Chinese Student Branch, together with Solo Societeit, held a National Webinar themed "Oral Traditions and Myth of Pagebluk in Java." The activity, which was supported by the UNSRI Imasfek (Faculty of Economics Student Association), and the Indonesia Students and Youth Forum (ISYF) was held online on June 28, 2020. This collaboration webinar was the first time it was held. Farhan Hidazatullah, Chair of the Webinar, said, "the purpose of this activity is to know the story of the Pagebluk in the past and to know the various myths that surround it. Our understanding of the global pandemic and the attitudes of past generations towards embodies is revealed in this national webinar. " He said.
This webinar presents two speakers: Heri Priyatmoko (History Lecturer at Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta) with a theme around "Facts and Myth of Pagebluk in Java." This session explores the myth and reflects the history of Pagebluk. Heri Priyatmoko said, "it is rare to give a stage to myths or Gugon Tuhon in seeing Pagebluk, there is an assumption that myths living in the memory of Javanese people are not valuable facts." He said.
In delivering the material, Heri Priyatmoko alluded to, "a lot of people's behaviour in the past is difficult to reason, aka ora tinemu nalar." He gave an example of drinking banyu umbul and bathing in Pengging and Langenharjo, and looking for grass (suket) Teki to be used as ingredients. According to Heri Priyatmoko, in historical records at that time, the action was believed to be able to ward off disease. With such historical facts, Heri Priyatmoko also encouraged medical circles to conduct research on spring water source (umbul), and grass (suket) Teki for the benefit of eastern knowledge.
The second speaker, Dani Saptoni, Solo Societeit manuscript researcher, raised the material about "Pagebluk in the Java World." This session explores the meaning of Pagebluk from the perspective of Javanese Kawuruh. "Pagebluk is interpreted not only in terms of health but in human life," he said. Dani Saptoni said the concept of Kawruh Java was built from five elements, reaction to surrounding phenomena, defining phenomena that occur, efforts to maintain balance, create awareness of science, and merge in balance. According to Dani Saptoni, Pagebluk is an "alarm" when harmony experiences an imbalance. Dani Saptoni explained, Pagebluk in the Javanese tradition, in various forms, Memala, Sukerta, Lara Pataka, Rajapati, and the distribution of media also varied through teluh, sawan, supernatural creatures.
The National Webinar moderated by M. Akbar Nurfauzan, Palembang Tourism Polytechnic Student, was attended by 30 participants, from various professions, researchers, lecturers, teachers, students, and historical observers. Moordiati, a lecturer in history at Airlangga University Surabaya who participated in the webinar, had a positive impression, "the material presented by the speakers was exciting and comprehensive," he said in a question and answer session.
In a concluding message, Heri Priyatmoko conveyed, if this webinar invited participants to be more critical in reading historical facts recorded in data in the form of fibre and contemporary newspapers. According to him, in addition to expanding public insight about the disease. This webinar also serves as a space for exchanging knowledge about data that can be used for thesis material, scientific journals, and other interests. "In this activity, we hope we receive good benefits," he said.
Beijing - ASCEE China section together with the Embassy of Republic Indonesia in Beijing in collaboration through the Division of Education and Culture of Indonesian Embassy, PPI China, and ASCEE Student Branch has held a Student Scientific Writing Contest (LKTM) for Indonesian students in China. The LKTM activity carries the theme of “Diplomatic Relations between Indonesia and China for Qualified Human Resources,4.0."
The last session of LKTM 2020, selected the five best papers. At this stage, participants must present their papers to get a final assessment. The presentation was made online on May 7, 2020. At the end of the selection process, it is time to announce the winners of the LKTM 2020. Following is the list of the winners of the China 2020 LKTM: