"ASCEE as an association of practitioners and professional academics necessarily to maintain the torch of scientific progress, for that regeneration needs to carried out so that the flame does not go out," said Andri Pranolo as ASCEE Publication Director in Yogyakarta. To enhance the development of science, technology, and art for students throughout Indonesia, the Association for Scientific Computing Electronics and Engineering (ASCEE), on Wednesday night, July 8, 2020, by online organized the Ad Hoc Formation of the ASCEE Student Branch Indonesia.
This activity, which was attended by Tuti Purwaningsih, ASCEE's Public Relations Director and Co-Founder of Data Science Indonesia, and Sularso, Chair of ASCEE China Section, was able to ignite the enthusiasm of young people from various universities in Indonesia. The meeting held online was attended by 15 student representatives from six universities, Malang State University, Ahmad Dahlan University, Mulawarman University, Telkom University, Indonesian Islamic University, and Yogyakarta "Veterans" National Development University. The scientific backgrounds of students involved in selecting Ad Hoc teams vary, from informatics, statistics, to art.
The formation of the Ad Hoc body will oversee the structure of the ASCEE Student Branch. The election of the management of the organization will be held at the ASCEE Indonesia Student Congress next November 2020. In the discussion session, Sularso explained, "ASCEE Student Branch of China, which established earlier, can be a portrait of the organization's wheels. Collaboration with various Indonesian student organizations in China and cooperation with the Education Attache of the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing can be an example. Collaboration is needed to encourage the program's acceleration and train the ability of cooperation, "he explained.
Meanwhile, the elected Ad Hoc Chair, Ahmad Shohibus Sulthoni, a representative of Telkom University explained, "In the ASCEE Indonesia Student Congress there will also be an International Conference, the opening of ASCEE Student Branch Indonesia members, and work program meetings." He said. Tuti Purwaningsih conveyed that this activity was expected to be a stimulant for students to be actively involved in scientific development and hone their academic abilities. "ASCEE hopes that with the establishment of the ASCEE Student Branch Indonesia, Indonesian students will be able to improve their performance in the future," he explained.